L6598D Datasheet – Resonant Controller – STMicroelectronics

Part Number: L6598D


Category :

Power Management  > AC-DC Converters > Resonant Controllers > L6598

Package: L6598 Dip 16 pin Type, L6598D SMD 16 pin Type

Manufacturer: STMicroelectronics


Description :

The L6598 device is manufactured with the BCD™ offline technology, able to ensure voltage ratings up to 600 V, making it perfectly suited for AC/DC adapters and wherever a resonant topology can be beneficial. The device is intended to drive two power MOSFETs, in the classical half bridge topology. A dedicated timing section allows the designer to set soft-start time, soft-start and minimum frequency. An error amplifier, together with the two enable inputs, are made available. In addition, the integrated bootstrap diode and the Zener clamping on low voltage supply, reduces to a minimum the external parts needed in the applications.


L6598D Datasheet


1. High voltage rail up to 600 V
2. dV/dt immunity ±50 V/ns in full temperature range
3. Driver current capability: 250 mA source 450 mA sink
4. Switching times 80/40 ns rise/fall with 1 nF load
5. CMOS shutdown input
6. Undervoltage lockout
7. Soft-start frequency shifting timing
8. Sense op amp for closed loop control or protection features
9. High accuracy current controlled oscillator
10. Integrated bootstrap diode
11. Clamping on Vs


Officail Homepage : http://www.st.com/en/power-management/l6598.html

L6598D Datasheet


HS01G Datasheet – Half-Bridge Resonant Controller – Infineon

Part Number: HS01G, ICE1HS01G

Function: Half-Bridge Resonant Controller

Package : DSO8 Type

Manufacturer: Infineon Technologies

HS01G controller ic


The controller ICE1HS01G with two gate outputs is specially designed for LLC resonant half-bridge converters. An oscillator with accurately-programmed frequency range is built inside the IC. The two gate signals are obtained by passing the signal out from the oscillator through a divide-by-two flip-flop. Therefore, two signals are of exactly 50% duty cycle and 180′ out of phase. To guarantee the zero-voltage-switching and safe operation in half-bridge topologies, a fixed dead time of 380ns is inserted in each internal when one switch is turned off and the other is turned on.

HS01G datasheet pinout

HS01G Datasheet


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