Part Number: TDA1023
Function: 13.7 V, proportional-control triac triggering circuit
Package: DIP, SOP 16 Pin Type
Manufacturer: Philips Electronics ( )
The TDA1023 is a bipolar integrated circuit for controlling triacs in a proportional time or burst firing mode. Permitting precise temperature control of heating equipment it is especially suited to the control of panel heaters. It generates positive-going trigger pulses but complies with regulations regarding mains waveform distortion and RF interference.
1. Adjustable width of proportional range
2. Adjustable hysteresis
3. Adjustable width of trigger pulse
4. Adjustable repetition timing of firing burst
5. Control range translation facility
6. Fail safe operation
7. Supplied from the mains
8. Provides supply for external temperature bridge
1. Panel heaters
2. Temperature control
Other data sheets are available within the file: TDA1023T
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