This post explains for the processor.
The Part Number is TDA8841.
The function of this semiconductor is PAL / NTSC / SECAM TV Processor.
The package is DIP 56 Pin Type
Manufacturer: NXP
The various versions of the TDA8841 series are I2C-bus controlled single chip TV processors which are intended to be applied in PAL, NTSC, PAL/NTSC and multi-standard television receivers. The N2 version is pin and application compatible with the N1 version, however,
a new feature has been added which makes the N2 more attractive. The IF PLL demodulator has been replaced by an alignment-free IF PLL demodulator with internal VCO (no tuned circuit required).
1. Multi-standard vision IF circuit with an alignment-free PLL demodulator without external components
2. Alignment-free multi-standard FM sound demodulator (4.5 MHz to 6.5 MHz)
3. Audio switch
4. Flexible source selection with CVBS switch and Y(CVBS)/C input so that a comb filter can be applied
5. Integrated chrominance trap circuit
6. Integrated luminance delay line
7. Asymmetrical peaking in the luminance channel with a (defeatable) noise coring function
8. Black stretching of non-standard CVBS or luminance signals
9. Integrated chroma band-pass filter with switchable centre frequency
Other data sheets are available within the file:
TDA8840, TDA8842, TDA8843, TDA8840H, TDA8854H, TDA8857H