Part Number: UCC27531
Function: 35-V max VDD FET and IGBT Single-Gate Driver
Package: SOIC 8 Pin Type
Manufacturer: Texas Instruments
The UCC27531, UCC2753x family of devices are single-channel, high-speed, gate drivers capable of effectively driving MOSFET and IGBT power switches by up to 2.5-A source and 5-A sink (asymmetrical drive) peak current. Strong sink capability in asymmetrical drive boosts immunity against parasitic Miller turn-on effect.
The UCC2753x device can also feature a split-output configuration where the gate-drive current is sourced through OUTH pin and sunk through OUTL pin. This pin arrangement allows the user to apply independent turn-on and turn-off resistors to the OUTH and OUTL pins respectively and easily control the switching slew rates.
Block Diagram
• Low-cost gate driver (offering optimal solution for driving FET and IGBTs)
• Superior replacement to discrete transistor pair drive (providing easy interface with controller)
• TTL and CMOS compatible input logic threshold (independent of supply voltage)
• Split output options allow for tuning of turnon and turnoff currents
• Inverting and noninverting input configurations
• Enable with fixed TTL compatible threshold
UCC27531 Datasheet PDF Download
Other data sheets are available within the file: 7531, 7533, 7536,7 537, 7538