UDN6118A Datasheet PDF – Vacuum Fluorescent Display Driver

Part Number: UDN6118A

Function: Vacuum Fluorescent Display Driver

Package: DIP 18 Pin

Manufacturer: Allegro MicroSystems

UDN6118A Datasheet


Consisting of eight NPN Darlington output stages and the associated common-emitter input stages, these drivers are designed to interface between low-level digital logic and vacuum fluorescent displays.

Both devices are capable of driving the digits and/or segments of these displays and are designed to permit all outputs to be activated simultaneously. Pull-down resistors are incorporated into each output and no external components are required for most fluorescent display applications.


With any device, the output load is activated when the input is pulled towards the positive supply (active ‘high’). The UDN6118A is furnished in a standard 18-pin plastic DIP; the A6118SLW is in a 20-
lead wide-body SOIC. Both units operate over the temperature range of -20°C to +85°C.

These devices are also available for operation over the temperature range of -40°C to +85°C by changing the part number to UDQ6118A or A6118ELW.


UDN6118A Datasheet PDF Download

UDN6118A pdf

Other data sheets are available within the file: 6118A, A6118SLW, UDQ6118A