UP-VW1220P1 Datasheet PDF – 12V, Battery – Panasnoic

Part Number: UP-VW1220P1

Function: Panasnoic Batteries

Manufacturer: Panasonic Corporation


UP-VW1220P1 datasheet



1. High quality and reliability

2. Exceptional deep discharge recovery

3. No corrosive gas generation

4. Long service life

5. Quick chargeability

6. High power density

7. Maintenance-free operation


1. Nominal Voltage : 12V

2. Weight : 1.30 kg

3. Standard Terminals & Resin UL94 V-0 Faston 250

4. Capacity 77°F (25°C) 30 min.

5. rate 57W (9.6V cutoff) : 15 min. rate 91W, 10 min. rate 120W, 5 min. rate 180W

Other data sheets are available within the file: UPVW1220P1

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UP-VW1220P1 pdf