Part Number: VK1760R
Function: Digit Digital Voltmeter LCD Module in 12.7 mm Character Height.
Package: Module Type
Manufacturer: BT DISPLAYS ( )
This is 3 and 1/2, Digital Voltmeter LCD Module.
1. 200mA full scale input sensitivity
2. 10 pA input current typical
3. Automatic polarity
4. Automatic zero
5. 9V or 5V operation.
1. Module Size : 60 x 30 x 8.5 mm ( L x H x T )
2. Viewing Area : 46.2 x 17.3 m ( L x H )
3. Digit Size : 6.35 x 12.7 mm ( W x H )
VK1760R Datasheet PDF Download
Other data sheets are available within the file: VK1760, VK1760H, VK1763, VK1763H