23HS2430 Datasheet – 112mm, 2 Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor

This post describes for the semiconductor 23HS2430.

The function of this semiconductor is 2 Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor.

The manufacturer of this parts is MotionKing.

See the preview image and the 23HS2430 Datasheet PDF file for more information.

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23HS2430 Stepper Motor


MotionKing (China) Motor Industry Co., Ltd. HB Stepper Motor Catalog 2 Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor 23HS series-Size 57mm(1.8 degree) Wiring Diagram: UNI-POLAR(6 LEADS) BI-POLAR(4LEADS) Electrical Specifications: Series Model Step Angle (deg) Motor Length (mm) Rated Phase Phase Holding Detent Rotor Current Resistance Inductance Torque Torque Inertia (A) (ohm) (mH) (N.cm Min) (N.cm Max) (g.cm²) Lead Motor Wire Weight (No.) (g)

23HS7401 1.8 64 1.0 7.5 20 150 5.0 380 4 850
23HS7425 1.8 64 2.5 1.5 4.5 150 5.0 380 4 850
23HS7430 1.8 64 3.0 0.8 2.3 150 5.0 380 4 850
23HS7404 1.8 64 4.2 0.55 1.2 150 5.0 380 4 850
23HS8603 1.8 76 1.5 4.5 10 140 6.0 440 6 1050
23HS8425 1.8 76 2.5 1.8 6.5 180 6.0 440 4 1050
23HS8430 1.8 76 3.0 1.0 3.5 180 6.0 440 4 1050
23HS8404 1.8 76 4.2 0.6 1.8 180 6.0 440 4 1050
23HS1430 1.8 100 3.0 1.4 5.5 250 10 680 4 1250
23HS1410 1.8 100 4.2 0.8 3.0 250 10 680 4 1250
23HS2430 1.8 112 3.0 1.6 6.8 280 12 800 4 1400
23HS2410 1.8 112 4.2 0.9 3.8 280 12 800 4 1400


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23HS2430 spec and datasheet pinout

23HS2430 Datasheet


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