25Q32BS16 PDF – 32M-Bit Serial Flash Memory ( Datasheet )

Part Number: 25Q32BS16, 25Q32BV

Correct Part Number: 25Q32BSIG

Function: 32M-Bit Serial Flash Memory

Package: SOP 8 Pin Type

Manufacturer: BMSemi, GigaDevice, ELM Technology, Winbond




The 25Q32BS16 is 32M-bit Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI) Flash memory, and supports the
Dual/Quad SPI: Serial Clock, Chip Select, Serial Data I/O0 (SI), I/O1 (SO), I/O2 (/WP), and I/O3
(/HOLD). The Dual I/O data is transferred with speed of 240Mbits/s and the Quad I/O & Quad
output data is transferred with speed of 480Mbits/s. The device uses a single low voltage power
supply, ranging from 2.7 Volt to 3.6 Volt. [ … ]


1. High Speed Clock Frequency

2. Low Power Consumption

3. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)


25Q32BS16 Datasheet

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