2SK2221 MOSFET – 200V, 8A, Transistor ( Datasheet PDF )

Part Number: 2SK2221

Function: 200V, N-Channel MOSFET

Package: TO-3P type

Manufacturer: Renesas Electronics

Image and Pinouts:

2SK2221 datasheet



This is 200V, 8A, Silicon N-Channel MOSFET.


1. High power gain

2. Excellent frequency response

3. High speed switching

4. Wide area of safe operation

5. Enhancement–mode

6. Good complementary characteristics

7. Equipped with gate protection diodes



Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)

1. Drain to source voltage : VDSX = 200 V

2. Gate to source voltage: VGSS = ± 20 V

3. Drain current: ID = 8 A

4. Channel dissipation: Pch = 100 W

5. Channel temperature: Tch = 150 °C

6. Storage temperature: Tstg = -55 to +150 °C



1. Low frequency power amplifier

2. Complementary pair with 2SJ351, 2SJ352

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