AD623 Datasheet – Instrumentation Amplifier ( PDF )

Part Number: AD623

Function: 6V, 650mW, single supply, rail-to-rail, low cost instrumnetation amplifier

Package: DIP, SOIC, MSOP 8 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Analog Devices


AD623 datasheet



The AD623 is an integrated single-supply instrumentation amplifier that delivers rail-to-rail output swing on a 3 V to 12 V supply.

The device offers superior user flexibility by allowing single gain set resistor programming and by conforming to the 8-lead industry standard pinout configuration. With no external resistor, the IC is configured for unity gain (G = 1), and with an external resistor, the devices can be programmed for gains up to 1000.


1. Easy to use

2. Rail-to-rail output swing

3. Input voltage range extends 150 mV below ground (single supply)

4. Low power, 550 μA maximum quiescent current

5. Gain set with one external resistor


1. Transducer interfaces

2. Thermocouple amplifiers

3. Industrial process controls

4. Difference amplifiers


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