Part Number: AD8310
Function: Fast, Voltage-Out, DC to 440 MHz, 90dB Logarithmic Amplifier
Package: 8-Lead MSOP type
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
The AD8310 is a complete, dcto 440 MHz demodulating logarithmic amplifier (log amp) with a very fast voltage mode output, capable of driving up to 25 mA into a grounded load in under 15 ns. It uses the progressive compression (successive detection) technique to provide a dynamic range of up to 95 dB to ±3 dB law conformance or 90 dB to a ±1 dB error bound up to 100 MHz. It is extremely stable and easy to use, requiring no significant external components. A single-supply voltage of 2.7 V to 5.5 V at 8 mA is needed, corresponding to a power consumption of only 24 mW at 3 V. A fast-acting CMOS compatible enable pin is provided. Each of the six cascaded amplifier/limiter cells has a small signal gain of 14.3 dB, with a −3 dB bandwidth of 900 MHz. A total of nine detector cells are used to provide a dynamic range that extends from −91 dBV (where 0 dBV is defined as the amplitude of a 1 V rms sine wave), an amplitude of about ±40 μV, up to +4 dBV (or ±2.2 V). The demodulated output is accurately scaled, with a log slope of 24 mV/dB and an intercept of −108 dBV. The scaling parameters are supply-and temperature-independent.
1. Multistage demodulating logarithmic amplifier
2. Voltage output, rise time <15 ns
3. High current capacity: 25 mA into grounded RL
4. 95 dB dynamic range: −91 dBV to +4 dBV
5. Single supply of 2.7 V min at 8 mA typ
6. DC to 440 MHz operation, ±0.4 dB linearity
7. Slope of +24 mV/dB, intercept of −108 dBV
8. Highly stable scaling over temperature
9. Fully differential dc-coupled signal path
10. 100 ns power-up time, 1 mA sleep current
1. Conversion of signal level to decibel form
2. Transmitter antenna power measurement
3. Receiver signal strength indication (RSSI)
4. Low cost radar and sonar signal processing
5. Network and spectrum analyzers
6. Signal-level determination down to 20 Hz
7. True-decibel ac mode for multimeters
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