ADAM24P20G Datasheet PDF – Remote Control Transmitter

Part Number: ADAM24P20G

Function: 4-BIT Single Chip Microcomputer, Remote Control Transmitter

Package: SOP 20 Pin Type

Manufacturer: ETAChips, ABOV Semiconductor


ADAM24P20G datasheet


The ADAM24P20G is remote control transmitter which uses CMOS technology.The ADAM24PXX is suitable for remote control of TV, VCR, FANS,Air-conditioners,Audio Equipments, Toys, Games etc. The ADAM24PXX is MTP version.


1. Program memory (MTP)

2. Data memory (RAM)

3. 3 levels of subroutine nesting

4. 8-bit Table Read Instruction

5. Oscillator Type (Operating frequency)

6. Released stop mode by key input

7. Built in Power-on Reset circuit

ADAM24P20G pinout

Program Memory

ARCHITECTUREThe ADAM24PXX can incorporate maximum 4,096 words (4 block ×16 pages ×64 words×8bits) for program memory. Program counter PC (A0~A5) , page address register PA(A6~A9) and Block address register BA(A10~A11) are used to address the whole areaof program memory having an instruction (8bits) to be next executed.The program memory consists of 64 words on each page, and thus each page can hold up to 64 steps of instructions.

Other data sheets are available within the file:

ADAM24P20T, ADAM24P16, ADAM24P15, ADAM24P08

ADAM24P20G Datasheet PDF Download


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