Part Number: BCW71, Marking Code : K1*
Function: 45V, 100mA, NPN General Purpose Transistor
Package: SOT-23 Type
Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors
The BCW71 is 45V, 100mA, NPN General Purpose Transistor in a SOT23 plastic package. PNP complements: BCW69 and BCW70.
A NPN transistor is a type of bipolar junction transistor (BJT) that consists of two n-type semiconductor materials separated by a single p-type material.
The NPN transistor is used to amplify or switch electronic signals and is widely used in many electronic circuits. It works by controlling the current flow between the collector and emitter terminals through the base terminal.
When a small current is applied to the base, it controls a much larger current between the collector and emitter, making the NPN transistor an effective amplifier or switch.
1. Low current (100 mA)
2. Low voltage (45 V)
3. Low noise.
Absolute Maximum Rating
1. Transistor Type : NPN
2. Current – Collector (Ic) (Max) : 100mA
3. Voltage – Collector Emitter Breakdown (Max) : 45V
4. Vce Saturation (Max) @ Ib, Ic : 210mV @ 2.5mA, 50mA
5. Current – Collector Cutoff (Max) : 100nA (ICBO)
6. DC Current Gain (hFE) (Min) @ Ic, Vce : 110 @ 2mA, 5V
7. Power – Max : 250mW
8. Frequency – Transition : 100MHz
1. General purpose switching and amplification.
BCW71 Datasheet PDF Download
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