BQ24721 Datasheet PDF – Battery Pack Charger

Part Number: BQ24721

Function: High efficiency synchronous battery pack charger

Package: 32-Pin 5×5-mm QFN Type

Manufacturer: Texas Instruments

BQ24721 datasheet


The BQ24721 is a high efficiency synchronous battery pack charger with high level of integration for portable applications. This device implements a high performance analog front-end that interfaces to the system power management micro-controller through a simplified SBS-like SMBus interface.





1. Integrated 5% 5-V LDO When AC Adapter Applied

2. 6-V Drive Supply Voltage for Increased Efficiency

3. Reverse Battery to Adapter Discharge Protection

4. Battery/Adapter to System Power Selector Function

5. Charge and Adapter Overcurrent Protection

6. Battery Thermistor Sense, TS, Comparators

Typical Application



1. Portable Notebook Computers
2. Portable DVD Players
3. Webpads, PC Tablets

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BQ24721 Datasheet PDF Download

BQ24721 pdf