Part Number: BSO300N03S, BS0300N03S, Marking : 300N3S
Ordering Code : Q67042-S4205
Function: 30V, 7.2A, OptiMOS 2 Power-Transistor
Package: P-DSO-8 Type
Manufacturer: Infineon Technologies
Image and Pinouts:
This is 30V, 7.2A, OptiMOS 2 Power-Transistor.
1. Fast switching MOSFET for SMPS
2. Optimized technology for notebook DC/DC
3. N-channel
4. Logic level
5. Excellent gate charge x R DS(on) product (FOM)
6. Very low on-resistance R DS(on)
7. Avalanche rated
8. dv /dt rated
9. Pb-free lead plating; RoHS compliant
Other data sheets are available within the file: Q67042-S4205, 300-N3S, BSO300-N03S, BS0300N03S