C3209 Datasheet PDF – 300V, 200mA, NPN Transistor – NEC

Part Number: C3209, 2SC3209

Function: NPN Silicon Transistor ( Vceo > 300V )

Manufacturer: NEC Electronics


C3209 transistor image


The C3209 is designed for use in TV chroma output circuits and TV horizontal deflection output circuits.


1. High voltage : Vceo > 300V

2. High Electrosatatic – ( E-B reverse bias, C = 2300 pF )

3. Discharge-Resistant V esdr : TYP. 1000V


C3209 datasheet pinout

Absolute Maximum Ratings ( Ta = 25°C )

1. Collector to Base Voltage: Vcbo = 300V

2. Collector to Emitter Voltage: Vceo = 300V

3. Emitter to Base Voltage: Vebo = 5.0V

4. Collector Current: Ic = 200mA

5. Storage temperature: Tstg = -55 to +150 °C

C3209 Datasheet


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