C3518 Transistor – 60V, 5A, NPN, Equivalent ( Datasheet PDF )

Part Number: C3518

Function: 60V, 5A, NPN Transistor

Package: TO-251, TO-252 Type

Manufacturer: Renesas Electronics

Imagea and Pinouts:

C3518 datasheet



This is 60V, 5A, NPN Silicon Epitaxial Transistor.

The C3518 is designed for Audio Frequency Amplifier and Switching, especially in Hybrid Integrated Circuits.


1. High DC Current Gain hFE = 100 to 400

2. Low VCE(sat): VCE(sat) = 0.09 V TYP.

3. Complement to 2SA1385-Z


Absolute maximum ratings ( Ta=25°C )

1. Collector to Base Voltage: Vcbo = 60 V

2. Collector to Emitter Voltage: Vceo = 60 V

3. Emitter to Base Voltage: Vebo = 7 V

4. Collector Current: Ic = 5 A

5. Collector Dissipation : Pc = 2 @

6. Junction Temperature: Tj = 150°C

7. Storage Temperature: Tsg = -55 ~ +150°C


C3518 Datasheet PDF Download

C3518 pdf

Other data sheets are available within the file: 2SC3518, 2SC3518-Z