This is a kind of NPN Transistor. It a type of bipolar junction transistor (BJT) that consists of two n-type semiconductor materials separated by a single p-type material.
Part Number: D1047, 2SD1047
Function: 140V, 12A, NPN Transistor
Package: TO-3PB Type
Manufacturer: Sanyo Semicon Device
See the preview image and the PDF file for more information.
D1047 is NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor. This Transistor is a type of bipolar junction transistor (BJT) made from silicon, a semiconductor material. This transistor is designed for amplifying or switching electronic signals in various electronic circuits.
NPN Configuration:
1. Emitter (N): The heavily doped N-type layer, which is the source of charge carriers (electrons) in the transistor.
2. Base (P): The thin P-type layer, which controls the flow of charge carriers between the emitter and collector.
3. Collector (N): The N-type layer, which collects the charge carriers that pass through the base-emitter junction.
Absolute Maximum Ratings ( Ta = 25°C )
1. Collector-to-Base Voltage: Vcbo = 160V
2. Collector-to-Emitter Voltage: Vceo = 140V
3. Emitter-to-Base Voltage: Vebo = 16V
4. Collector Current: Ic = 12A
5. Collector Current ( Pulse ) : Icp = 15A
6. Channel temperature: Tch = 150 °C
7. Storage temperature: Tstg = -40 to +150 °C
D1047 Pinout
1. Capable of being mounted easily because of one point fixing type plastic molded package (Inter changeable with TO-3).
2. Wide ASO because of on-chip ballast resistance.
3. Good depenedence of fTon current and excellent high frequency responce.
1. 140V/12A AF 60W Output
D1047 Datasheet
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