D1710 Datasheet – 2SD1710, Vceo=600V Power Transistor – WS

Part Number: D1710, 2SD1710

Function : Silicon Diffused Power Transistor

Package: TO-3PML Type

Manufacturer: Wing Shing Computer Components


D1710 transistor


High voltage,high-speed switching npn transistors in a plastic package,pimarily for use in horizontal deflection circuites of colour television receivers

  1. Collector-emitter voltage peak value : VCESM = 1500 V ( VBE = 0V )
  2. Collector-emitter voltage (open base) : VCEO = 600 V
  3. Collector current (DC) : IC = 5 A
  4. Collector current peak value : ICM = 10 A


D1710 datasheet pdf pinout

D1710 Datasheet


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