Part Number: DAD2360
Function: DC/DC Converter, 2.25 Watts, Single Dual Outputs
Package: DIP 24 Pin Type
Manufacturer: ASTEC
The DA Series is ideal for space critical applications requiring noise immunity, isolation, low reflected ripple, and minumum sizes. Typical applications include telecommunications, instrumentation, computer, auto test equipment, etc. The DA Series is an economical series of DC/DC converters offering both single and dual outputs. Features include efficiency to 93% and an input Pi filter to reduce reflected ripple.
1. 2.25 Watts
2. 24pin DIP
3. Regulated & unregulated outputs
4. Auto-insertable
5. Packaged in a 1.27 X 0.60 X 0.40 plastic case.
Other data sheets are available within the file: DAD2360-2, DAD2360-5, DAD3150-1, DAD4120-1