Part Number: DBL5019
Function: Low Power Narrow Band FM IF
Package: DIP, SOP 16 Pin Type
Manufacturer: Daewoo Semiconductor
Discontinued : The DBL5019 performs single conversion FM reception and consist of an oscillator, mixer, limiting IF amplifier, and meter drive circuitry. These devices are designed for use in FM dual conversion communicatin equipment.
The device is similar to the DBL5018 FM IFs. except that a signal strength indicator replaces the scan function controlling driver which is in the DBL5018.
1. Minimal Drain Current Increse When Squelched
2. Mixer operating Frequency up to 100MHz
3. Fewer External Parts Requied than Earlier Devices
Other data sheets are available within the file:
DBL5018, DBL5018-V, DBL5019-V