This part name is G80N60.
This product has Ultrafast IGBT ( Vces = 600V ) functions.
The package is TO-3PN Type
The manufacturer of the product is Fairchild Semiconductor.
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The G80N60 is 600V, 80A, Ultrafast IGBT. The IGBT is insulated-gate bipolar transistor.
Fairchild’s UFD series of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs
The UFD series is designed for applications such as motor control and general inverters where high speed switching is a required feature.
1. High speed switching
2. Low saturation voltage : VCE(sat)= 2.1 V @ IC = 40A
3. High input impedance
4. CO-PAK, IGBT with FRD : trr = 50ns (typ.)
Absolute Maximum Ratings ( Tc = 25°C )
1. Collector-Emitter Voltage : Vces = 600 V
2. Gate-Emitter Voltage : Vges = ± 20 V
3. Collector Current: Ic = 80 A
4. Maximum Power Dissipation: Pd = 195 W
1. AC & DC motor controls, general purpose inverters, robotics, and servo controls.
G80N60 Datasheet PDF Download
Other data sheets are available within the file: G80N60UFD, SGH80N60UFD