HI1178 Datasheet PDF – 3-Channel D/A Converter

Part Number: HI1178

Function: Triple 8-Bit, 40MSPS, RGB, 3-Channel D/A Converter

Package: 48 Ld MQFP

Manufacturer: Intersil


HI1178 converter




The HI1178 is a triple 8-bit, high-speed, CMOS D/A converter designed for video band use. It has three separate, 8-bit, pixel inputs,one each for red, green, and blue video data. A single 5.0V power supply and pixel clock input is all that is required tomake the device operational.
A bias voltage generator is internal. Each channel clock input can be controlled individually, orconnected together as one. The HI1178 also has BLANK video control signal.


1. Resolution : Triple 8-Bit
2.Maximum Conversion Speed : 40MHz
3. RGB 3-Channel Input/Output
4. Differential Linearity Error : +0.3 LSB
5. Low Power Consumption : 240mW
(200Ω Load for 2VP-P Output)
6. Single Power Supply : +5V
7. Low Glitch Noise
8. Direct Replacement for Sony CXD1178


HI1178 datasheet


1. Digital TV
2. Graphics Display
3. High Resolution Color Graphics
4. Video Reconstruction
5. Instrumentation
6. Image Processing
7. I/Q Modulation

Other data sheets are available within the file: HI1178JCQ

HI1178 Datasheet PDF Download

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