Part Number: HR911105A
Function: Single Port 45 Connector with Magnetics Module and LED
Manufacturer: HanRun Electronics Company Limited
Image :
1. Designed for Network Interface Card Application
2. Meets or Exceeds IEEE802.3 standards including 360uH Min OCL with 8mADC
3. High performance for EMI suppression, Crosstalk, Return Loss and Consistent Electrical.
4. Minimize 1500V rms isolation per IEEE802.3 requirement
5. Minimize PCB space and Simplify PCB layout
Mechanical Dimensions
Electrical Specification ( 25’C )
1. Isolation : 1500 Vrms ( UTP Side to Chip Side )
2. OCL : 350 uH Minmum @ 100Khz 100mV with 8mADC
HR911105A Datasheet
Other data sheets are available within the file: HR911105A