Part Number: INR18650-30Q
Function: 3.6V, 3000mAh Rechargeable Li-ion Battery
Package: Height : Max 65.0mm, Diameter : Max 18.4mm
Manufacturer: Samsung SDI
1. Specification
2. Capacity (0.2C vs. 10A)
3. AC/DC impedance
4. Capacity & temperature vs. discharge capacity
5. Energy & avg. voltage at different current
6. Cycle life
7. Storage characteristics
8. Safety test
INR18650-30Q Specification
1. Standard charge
This “Standard charge” means charging the cell CCCV with charge current 0.5CmA (1,500mA), constant voltage 4.2V and 150mA cut-off in CV mode at 23℃ for capacity.
2. Rated charge
Rated charge means charging the cell CCCV with charge current 4A and 100mA cut-off at 23℃
3. Standard discharge capacity
The standard discharge capacity is the initial discharge capacity of the cell, which is measured with discharge current of 600mA(0.2C) with 2.5V cut-off at 23℃ within 1hour after the standard charge.
Nominal discharge capacity ≥ 2,950mAh
Which complying to the minimum capacity of IEC61960 standard.
4. Rated discharge capacity
The rated discharge is the discharge capacity of the cell, which is measured with discharge current of 10A with 2.5V cut-off at 23℃ within 1hour after the rated charge.
Standard rated discharge capacity ≥ 2,900mAh
5. Initial internal impedance
Initial internal impedance measured at AC 1kHz after standard charge
Initial internal impedance ≤ 26mΩ