KA8301L Datasheet PDF – Bi-Directional DC Motor Driver

Part Number: KA8301L

Function: Bi-Directional DC Motor Driver

Package: SIP 10 Pin

Manufacturer: Fairchild Semiconductor

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KA8301L datasheet


The KA8301 is a monolithic integrated circuit designed for driving bi-directional DC motor with braking and speed control, and it is suitable for the loading motor driver of VCR systems. The speed control can be achieved by adjusting the external voltage of the speed control pin.


1. Built-in brake function.
2. Built-in element to absorb a surge current derived from changing motor direction and braking motor drive.
3. External motor speed control pin
4. Motor direction change circuit.
5. Interfaces with CMOS devices.



Typical Application

1. Video cassette recorder (VCR) loading motor
2. Low current DC motor such audio or video equipment
3. General DC motor

Other data sheets are available within the file: KA8301, KA8301-L, A8301L

KA8301L Datasheet PDF Download

KA8301L pdf