KY5133 Datasheet PDF – Adjustable Voltage Regulator

Device Marking : KY5133, Part Number: LP2951-33D

Function: Adjustable Micropower Voltage Regulator

Package: SOP 8 Pin type

Manufacturer: Texas Instruments


KY5133 datasheet


The KY5133 is Adjustable Micropower Voltage Regulators with Shutdown.

The LP2950 and LP2951 devices are bipolar, low-dropout voltage regulators that can accommodate a wide input supply-voltage range of up to 30 V. The easy-to-use, 3-pin LP2950 is available in fixed-output voltages of 5 V, 3.3 V, and 3 V. However, the 8-pin LP2951 is able to output either a fixed or adjustable output from the same device. By tying the OUTPUT and SENSE pins together, and the FEEDBACK and VTAP pins together, the LP2951 outputs a fixed 5 V, 3.3 V, or 3 V (depending on the version). Alternatively, by leaving the SENSE and VTAP pins open and connecting FEEDBACK to an external resistor divider, the output can be set to any value between 1.235 V to 30 V.


KY5133 pinout


1. Wide Input Range: Up to 30 V

2. Rated Output Current of 100 mA

3. Low Dropout: 380 mV (Typ) at 100 mA

4. Low Quiescent Current: 75 µA (Typ)

5. Tight Line Regulation: 0.03% (Typ)

6. Tight Load Regulation: 0.04% (Typ)

7. Can Be Used as a Regulator or Reference

8. Stable With Low ESR (>12 mΩ) Capacitors

9. Current- and Thermal-Limiting Features

10. Low-Voltage Error Signal on Falling Output

11. Shutdown Capability


1. Applications with High-Voltage Input

2. Power Supplies

Other data sheets are available within the file: LP2951-33DR, LP2951-33DRG4

KY5133 Datasheet

KY5133 pdf


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