Part Number: LA7830
Function: Color TV Vertical Deflection Output Circuit IC
Package: SIP 7 Pin Type
Manufacturer: SANYO (Panasonic)
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The LA7830 is a monolithic linear IC designed for small-aperture color TV vertical deflection output and has such features as greatly reduced number of external parts and low power dissipation. The LA-7830 can be used in conjunction with the LA7620 series for video chroma deflection use and the LA7800 series for deflection use and the LA7850 series for display use to form a stable and compact vertical output deflection circuit.
1. High output
2. On-chip pump-up circuit and low power dissipation
3. Minimum number of external parts required
Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C
1. Maximum Supply Voltgae : V6 max = 30 V, V3 max = 60 V
2. Deflection Output Current : I2 max = ± 1.3 Ap-0
3. Allowable Power Dissipation: Pd max = 4.5 W
Other data sheets are available within the file: LA7832