LM2990 Datasheet PDF – Negative Low Dropout Regulator

Part Number: LM2990

Function: Negative Low Dropout Regulator

Package: DDPARK, TO-263, TO-220 Type

Manufacturer: Texas Instruments

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LM2990 datasheet



The LM2990 is a three-terminal, low dropout, 1 ampere negative voltage regulator available with fixed output voltages of -5, -5.2, -12, and -15V.

The regulator uses new circuit design techniques to provide low dropout and low quiescent current. The dropout voltage at 1A load current is typically 0.6V and an ensured worst-case maximum of 1V over the entire operating temperature range.

The quiescent current is typically 1 mA with 1A load current and an input-output voltage differential greater than 3V. A unique circuit design of the internal bias supply limits the quiescent current to only 9 mA (typical) when the regulator is in the dropout mode (Vout− Vin ≤ 3V).

Output voltage accuracy is ensured to ±5% over load,and temperature extremes.
The IC is short-circuit proof, and thermal shutdown includes hysteresis to enhance the reliability of the device when overloaded for an extended period of time.


1. 5% Output Accuracy over Entire Operating Range

2. Output Current in Excess of 1A

3. Dropout Voltage Typically 0.6V at 1A Load

4. Low Quiescent Current

5. Internal Short Circuit Current Limit

6. Internal Thermal Shutdown with Hysteresis

7. Functional Complement to the LM2940 Series


1. Post Switcher Regulator

2. Local, On-Card Regulation

3. Battery Operated Equipment


LM2990 Datasheet PDF Download

LM2990 pdf

Other data sheets are available within the file:

LM2990S-12, LM2990S-12/NOPB, LM2990S-15, LM2990S-15/NOPB