Part Number: LM324N
Function: Low-Power, Quad-Operational Amplifier
Package: DIP 14 Pin type
Manufacturer: Texas Instruments
The LM324N series consists of four independent, high-gain, internally frequency compensated
operational amplifiers designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages.
These devices consist of four independent high-gain frequency-compensated operational amplifiers that are designed specifically to operate from a single supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split supplies also is possible if the difference between the two supplies is 3 V to 32 V (3 V to 26 V for the LM2902 device), and VCC is at least 1.5 V
more positive than the input common-mode voltage.
The low supply-current drain is independent of the magnitude of the supply voltage.
Applications include transducer amplifiers, dc amplification blocks, and all the conventional operational-amplifier circuits that now can be more easily implemented in single-supply-voltage systems.
For example, the LM124 device can be operated directly from the standard 5-V supply that is used in digital systems and provides the required interface electronics, without requiring additional ±15-V supplies.
• Internally Frequency Compensated for Unity Gain
• Large DC Voltage Gain 100 dB
• Wide Bandwidth (Unity Gain) 1 MHz (Temperature Compensated)
• Transducer Amplifiers
• DC Gain Blocks
• Conventional Op Amp Circuits
Other data sheets are available within the file:
124, 224, 2902, 324, LM124, LM224, LM2902