LMH6552 Datasheet PDF – 1.5 GHz Fully Differential Amplifier

Part Number: LMH6552

Function: 5 to 12V Operation / 1.5 GHz Fully Differential Amplifier

Package: SOIC, WSON 8 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Texas Instruments


LMH6552 datasheet



The LMH6552 is a high performance fully differential amplifier designed to provide the exceptional signal fidelity and wide large-signal bandwidth necessary for driving 8 to 14 bit high speed data acquisition systems.

Using TI’s proprietary differential current mode input stage architecture, the LMH6552 allows operation at gains greater than unity without sacrificing response flatness, bandwidth, harmonic distortion, or output noise performance.


1. 1.5-GHz –3 dB Small Signal Bandwidth at AV = 1

2. 1.25-GHz –3 dB Large Signal Bandwidth at AV = 1

3. 800-MHz Bandwidth at AV = 4

4. 450-MHz 0.1 dB Flatness

5. 3800-V/µs Slew Rate

6. 20-ns Enable/Shutdown Pin

7. 5-V to 12-V Operation


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