M3806 Datasheet PDF – Liquid Tight Cordgrip

Part Number: M3806

Function: HeycoTiteSnap-In-2 Liquid Tight Cordgrips

Manufacturer: Heyco


M3806 datasheet



This is Heyco-Tite Snap-In-2 Liquid Tight Cordgrips


1. Easy installation–unique fingers securely snap into a range of panel thicknesses –up to .125˝ (3,2 mm) – with no tools or locknuts required.

2. Sealing flange prevents sealing washer displacement due to water velocity to ensure a liquid tight IP 65 and IP 67 seal.

3. Eliminate need for locknut or threaded hole to achieve liquid tight seal at panel; perfect for low clearance installation where locking nut access is limited.

4. Ratchet design of sealing nut assembly provides superior antivibration and ensures a firm grip on the cable.

5. We recommend using the fitting with the smallest maximum diameter that will fit your application.

6. Consult Heyco for cordgrips molded in other colors.


M3806 Datasheet PDF Download

M3806 pdf

Other data sheets are available within the file: M3800, M3802, M-3806, M3808, M3812