MC74HC4020AF Datasheet PDF – 14-Stage Ripple Counter

Part Number: MC74HC4020AF

Function: 14-Stage Binary Ripple Counter

Package: SO 16 Pin Type

Manufacturer: ON Semiconductor


MC74HC4020AF datasheet



The MC74C4020A is identical in pinout to the standard CMOS MC14020B. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are compatible with LSTTL

This MC74HC4020AF device consists of 14 master−slave flip−flops with 12 stages brought out to pins. The output of each flip−flop feeds the next and the frequency at each output is half of that of the preceding one. Reset is asynchronous and active−high.


1. Output Drive Capability: 10 LSTTL Loads
2. Outputs Directly Interface to CMOS, NMOS, and TTL
3. Operating Voltage Range: 2.0 to 6.0 V
4. Low Input Current: 1 μA

5. High Noise Immunity Characteristic of CMOS Devices



MC74HC4020AF Datasheet PDF Download

MC74HC4020AF pdf

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