MP1584EN Datasheet PDF – 3A, 28V, Step-Down Converter

Part Number: MP1584EN, MP1584

Function: 3A, 1.5MHz, 28V, Step-Down Converter

Package: SOP 8 Pin Type

Manufacturer: MPS ( )


MP1584EN step down converter


The MP1584EN is a high frequency step-down switching regulator with an integrated internal high-side high voltage power MOSFET. It provides 3A output with current mode control for fast loop response and easy compensation.

The wide 4.5V to 28V input range accommodates a variety of step-down applications, including those in an automotive input environment. A 100µA operational quiescent current allows use in battery-powered applications.


MP1584EN datasheet pinout


1. Wide 4.5V to 28V Operating Input Range

2. Programmable Switching Frequency from 100kHz to 1.5MHz

3. High-Efficiency Pulse Skipping Mode for Light Load

4. Ceramic Capacitor Stable

5. Internal Soft-Start

6. Internally Set Current Limit without a Current Sensing Resistor

7. Available in SOIC8E Package.


1. High Voltage Power Conversion

2. Automotive Systems

3. Industrial Power Systems

4. Distributed Power Systems

5. Battery Powered Systems


MP1584EN Datasheet PDF


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