PC922 Datasheet PDF – Photocoupler, DIP 8 – Sharp

Part Number: PC922

Function: High Power OPIC Photocoupler

Package: DIP 8 Pin

Manufacturer: Sharp Electronics

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PC922 datasheet


This is High Power OPIC Photocoupler.


1. Built-in base amplifier for inverter drive
2. High power (I o1: MAX. 0.5A (DC) ) (I o2p: MAX. 2.0A (pulse) )
3. High isolation voltage between input and output ( Viso: 5 000Vrms)
4. High noise reduction type
5. High speed response (tPHL, t PLH : MAX. 5µs)
6. High sensitivity (IFLH : MAX. 3mA )
7. Recognized by UL, file No. E64380




1. Inverter controlled air conditioners
2. Small capacitance general purpose inverters

Other data sheets are available within the file: PC922I, PC922P

PC922 Datasheet PDF Download

PC922 pdf