Part Number: SA58640
Function: Low-voltage mixer FM IF system
Package: 20-pin SSOP Type
Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors.
The SA58640 is a low-voltage monolithic FM IF system incorporating a mixer/oscillator, two limiting intermediate frequency amplifiers, quadrature detector, logarithmic RSSI, voltage regulator and audio and RSSI operational amplifiers. The SA58640DK was designed for cordless telephone applications in which efficient and economic integrated solutions are required and yet high performance is desirable.
1. Low power consumption: 5.0 mA typical at 5 V
2. Mixer input to >100 MHz
3. Mixer conversion power gain of 17 dB at 45 MHz
4. Crystal oscillator effective to 100 MHz (LC oscillator or external oscillator can be used at higher frequencies)
5. 102 dB of IF amplifier/limiter gain
6. 2 MHz IF amplifier/limitersmall signal bandwidth
7. Temperature compensated logarithmic RSSI with a 70 dB dynamic range
8. Low external component count; suitable for crystal/ceramic/LC filters
9. Audio output internal op amp
10. RSSI output internal op amp
11. Internal op amps with rail-to-rail outputs
12. ESD protection: Human body model 2 kV; robot model 200 V
1. Cordless telephones
Other data sheets are available within the file: SA58640D, SA58640DK