STC15F204EA Datasheet – MCU, Single-Chip Microcontroller

Part Number: STC15F204EA, STC15L204EA

Funtion : Single-chip microcontroller based on a high performance 1T architecture 80C51 CPU

Package: SOP 28 Pin Type

Manufacturer: STC MCU Limited


STC15F204EA mcu microcontroller


STC15F204EA series is a single-chip microcontroller based on a high performance 1T architecture 80C51 CPU, which is produced by STC MCU Limited. With the enhanced kernel, STC15F204EA series execute instructions in 1~6 clock cycles (about 6~7 times the rate of a standard 8051 device), and has a fully compatible instruction set with industrial-standard 80C51 series microcontroller. In-System-Programming (ISP) and In Application- Programming (IAP) support the users to upgrade the program and data in system. ISP allows the user to download new code without removing the microcontroller from the actual end product; IAP means that the device can write non-valatile data in Flash memory while the application program is running. the STC15F204EA series has 9 interrupt sources, 10-bit ADC, on-chip high-precision RC oscillator and a one-time enabled Watch Dog Timer.



STC15F204EA datasheet pinout


1. Enhanced 80C51 Central Processing Unit, faster 6~7 times than the rate of a standard 8051
2. Operating voltage range: 3.8 ~ 5.5V or 2.4V ~ 3.6V (STC15L204EA series)
3. Operating frequency range: 5MHz ~ 35MHz, is equivalent to standard 8051: 60MHz ~ 420MHz


STC15F204EA Datasheet


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