STK4142II Datasheet PDF – AF Power Amplifier – Sanyo

Part Number: STK4142II

Function: AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply) (25W + 25W min, THD = 0.4%)

Package: SIP 18 Pin Tyoe

Manufacturer: SANYO (Panasonic)

STK4142II datasheet


1. The STK4102II series ( STK4142II ) and STK4101V series (high-grade type) are pin-compatible in the output range of 6W to 50W and enable easy design.

2. Small-sized package whose pin assignment is the same as that of the STK4101II series
3. Built-in muting circuit to cut off various kinds of pop noise
4. Greatly reduced heat sink due to substrate temperature 125°C guaranteed
5. Excellent cost performance

Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C

1. Maximum supply voltage : VCC = max ±39 V
2. Thermal resistance : θj-c = 2.6 °C/W
3. Junction Temperature: Tj = 150 °C
4. Operating substrate temperature : Tc = 125 °C
5. Storage temperature: Tstg = -30 to +125 °C

Equivalent Circuit


Other data sheets are available within the file: STK4142

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