STV8172A Datasheet PDF – Vertical Deflection Booster

Part Number: STV8172A

Function: Vertical Deflection Booster

Package: 7-pin Heptawatt package

Manufacturer: STMicroelectronics


STV8172A datasheet


The STV8172A is Vertical deflection booster for 3 App TV/monitor applications with 70 V flyback generator.

Designed for monitors and high performance TVs, the device vertical deflection booster delivers flyback voltages up to 70V. The device operates with supplies up to 35V and provides up to 3 APPoutput current to drive the yoke. The booster is offered in a Heptawatt plastic package. In double-supply applications, a stand-by state will be reached by stopping the (+) supply alone.



STV8172A datasheet



1. Power amplifier

2. Flyback generator

3. Stand-by control

4. Output current up to 3.0 App

5. Thermal protection


STV8172A Datasheet PDF Download

STV8172A pdf

Other data sheets are available within the file: STV8172

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