TP7660 Datasheet PDF – Charge Pump Voltage Inverter

Part Number: TP7660

Function: Charge Pump Voltage Inverter

Package: SOP 8 Pin type

Manufacturer: TOP Power ASIC

Image and Pinouts:

TP7660 datasheet

1 NC No connection (recommended to ground)
2 CAP+ External capacitor+
3 GND ground wire
4 CAP- External Capacitor-
5 VOUT output
6 NC No connection (ground recommended)
7 OSC oscillator external capacitor
8 VDD input voltage


TP7660 is a DC / DC charge pump voltage inverters ASIC.

Chip can input range is 1.2V ~ 8V voltage conversion into corresponding-1.2V ~-8V output, and only two external capacitors and no inductors, reducing losses, size and electromagnetic interference. The chip’s no-load current is small, driving ability (compared with similar foreign products is 50%).


1. Wide input voltage range : 1.2V~8V
2. High voltage conversion accuracy : 99.9%
3. High power conversion efficiency : 98%
4. Low power consumption : no load current is 20uA (when inputting 5V)
5. Small output resistance : 40Ω (when input 5V)
6. Less peripheral components, easy to use: only two external capacitors are required
7. High electrostatic breakdown voltage : up to 3KV

Other data sheets are available within the file: TP-7660

TP7660 Datasheet PDF Download

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