UPC844 Datasheet PDF – Quad Operational Amplifier

Part Number: UPC844

Function: Quad Operational Amplifier

Package: DIP 14, SOP 14 Pin type

Manufacturer: NEC, Renesas


UPC844 op amp


The UPC844 is quad high speed, wide band operational amplifier designed for single supply operation from +3 to +32V with low supply current drain. By using high speed PNP transistors for input and output circuits, the excellent AC performance is achieved without degrading capacitive load drive capability. With no crossover distoriton and wide output voltage range characteristics, the uPC844 is optimum choice for single supply AC amplifier, and active filters.


UPC844 datasheet pinout


1. High slew rate : 8.5 v/us Typ

2. Wide gain band width product : 3.5 Mhz Typ.

3. Wide supply voltage range : +3V to +32 V

4. Wide output voltage swing

5. Internal frequency compensation

6. Output short circuit protection

UPC844 Datasheet PDF


Other data sheets are available within the file: UPC844C, UPC844G2

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