Part Number: 07N60C2
Function: 650V, 7.3A, Cool MOS Power Transistor
Package: P-TO220-3-31, P-TO263-3-2, P-TO220-3-1 Type
Manufacturer: Infineon Technologies
How to select the right CoolMOS type
The selection of a right CoolMOS type for the particular design is a very complicated issue, that requires a multiple iteration approach. You can find detailed guidelines for this process in the Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden..
These estimations were done on the basis of numerous measurements and theoretical analysis. The common design parameters for all topologies are : Junction temperature of CoolMOS is 110°C, Ambient temperature is 60°C.
The estimation includes three cooling conditions:
1. CoolMOS is operated without any external cooling. The heat dissipates only through the package itself.
2. CoolMOS SMD version device is on 50mm ´ 50mm ´ 1.5mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6 cm2 (one layer, 70um thick) copper area for drain connection. PCB is vertical without blown air.
3. CoolMOS is operated on an external heat sink with thermal resistance of 10K/W.
Ordering Information and Pinouts:
1. New revolutionary high voltage technology
2. Ultra low gate charge
3. Periodic avalanche rated
4. Extreme dv/dt rated
5. Ultra low effective capacitances
Other data sheets are available within the file:
SPP07N60C2, SPB07N60C2, SPA07N60C2, Q67040-S4309, Q67040-S4310, Q67040-S4331