2SD667A Datasheet PDF – 100V, 1A, NPN Transistor

Part Number: 2SD667A

Function: 100V, 1A, NPN Transistor

Package: TO-92MOD Type

Manufacturer: Hitachi -> Renesas Electronics

Image and Pinouts:
2SD667A datasheet


The 2SD667A is 100V, 1A, Silicon NPN Epitaxial Transistor.

1. Bipolar Junction:

NPN transistors are bipolar junction transistors (BJT), meaning they have a structure consisting of three regions of alternating P-type and N-type semiconductors.

2. High Input Impedance:

NPN transistors have a high input impedance, which means that they are less likely to draw current from the input source, and are therefore less likely to cause a drop in voltage across the source.

3. Inverted Output:

NPN transistors are known for producing an inverted output relative to their input. That is, if the input signal is high, the output signal will be low, and vice versa. This behavior is due to the way the transistor is designed and is an important characteristic for many electronic applications.



1. Low frequency power amplifier

2. Complementary pair with 2SB647/2SB647A

Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)

1. Collector to base voltage: VCBO = 120 V
2. Collector to emitter voltage: VCEO = 100 V
3. Emitter to base voltage: VEBO = 5 V
4. Collector current: IC = 1 A
5. Collector power dissipation: PC = 0.9 W

Other data sheets are available within the file: 2SD667, D667, D667A

2SD667A Datasheet PDF Download

2SD667A pdf