Part Number: 2SK2481
Function: 900V, 4A, N-Channel Power MOSFET
Package: TO-220 Type
Manufacturer: NEC ( Renesas Technology )
Image and Pinouts:
The 2SK2481 is N-Channel MOS Field Effect Transistor designed for high voltage switching applications.
The 2SK2962 has a maximum drain-source voltage of 900V and a maximum drain current of 4A,
making it suitable for high voltage, high current applications.
1. Low On-Resistance : RDS(on) = 4.0 W (VGS = 10 V, ID = 2.0 A)
2. Low Ciss Ciss = 900 pF TYP.
3. High Avalanche Capability Ratings
Absoulte maximum ratings (Ta = 25 °C)
1. Drain to Source Voltage : VDSS = 900 V
2. Gate to Source Voltage : VGSS = ±30 V
3. Drain Current (DC) : ID(DC) = ±4.0 A
4. Drain Current (pulse) : ID(pulse) = ±12 A
5. Total Power Dissipation (Tc = 25 °C) : PT1 = 70 W
6. Total Power Dissipation (TA = 25 °C) : PT2 = 1.5 W
7. Channel Temperature : Tch = 150 °C
8. Storage Temperature : Tstg = – 55 to +150 °C
9. Single Avalanche Current : IAS = 4.0 A
10. Single Avalanche Energy : EAS = 65.9 mJ
Other data sheets are available within the file: K2481
2SK2481 Datasheet PDF Download