4435 Datasheet – 30V P-Ch PowerTrench MOSFET – Fairchild

Part Number: 4435, FDS4435

Function: 30V P -Channel PowerTrench MOSFET

Package: SO 8 Pin

Manufacturer: Fairchild


4435 mosfet fairchild

( 4435 SMD )


This P-Channel MOSFET 4435 is a rugged gate version of Fairchild Semiconductor’s advanced PowerTrench process. It has been optimized for power management applications requiring a wide range of gav e drive voltage ratings (4.5V  –25V).



1. Power managemen

2. Load switch

3. Battery protection


4435 datasheet pinout



1. -8.8A, -30V, Rds(on) = 20 mOhm @ Vgs = -10V

2. Low gate charge (17nC typical)

3. Fast switching speed

4. High performance trench technology for extrem low R DS(ON)

5. High power and current handling capability


Official Homepage: https://www.fairchildsemi.com/products/discretes/fets/mosfets/FDS4435.html


4435 Datasheet


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