74LS95 – 4-Bit, Parallel Access Shift Register, 14 Pin

What is 74LS95?

This is a type of integrated circuit (IC) that is commonly used in digital electronics. It is a 4-bit shift register, which means that it is designed to hold and shift 4 bits of digital information.

Function: 4-Bit, Parallel Access Shift Register

Package: DIP 14 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Hitachi (Renesas Electronics)


74LS95 datasheet


This 4-bit register features parallel and serial inputs, parallel outputs, mode control, and two clock inputs. Parallel loading is accomplished by applying the four bits of data and taking the mode control input high.


The register has three mode operation :

(1) Parallel (broadside) load

(2) Shift right (the direction Qa toward Qd)

(3) Shift left (the direction Qd toward Qa)

Block Diagram




The 74LS95 shift register can be used in a variety of digital circuits, such as in data storage and transfer applications. It is commonly used in digital signal processing (DSP), digital communications, and control systems.

It is low power consumption, making it suitable for battery-powered and portable electronic devices. The internal gating also allows for fast data transfer, making it a reliable choice for high-speed digital circuits.


74LS95 Datasheet PDF Download

74LS95 pdf

Other data sheets are available within the file: HD74LS95, HD74LS95B, HD74LS95BD, HD74LS95BN

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