B737 Datasheet – 40V, 300mA, PNP Transistor – Rohm

Part Number: B737, 2SB737


-40V, -300mA, Low rbb Low Noise Amp

Package: TO-92 Type

Manufacturer: Rohm


B737 datasheet


  1. Ultra-low noise. ( Excellent noise response at low Rg )
  2. Low base resistance : rbb’ = 2 Ohm
  3. Low voltage noise
  4. Complementary pair with 2SD786

Absolute Maximum Ratings

  1. Maximum collector power dissipation (Pc) = 0.25W
  2. Maximum collector-base voltage (Vcbo) = – 50V
  3. Maximum collector-emitter voltage (Vceo) =  – 40V
  4. Maximum emitter-base voltage (Vebo) = – 5V
  5. Maximum collector current (Ic max) = – 0.3A
  6. Maksimalna temperatura (Tj), °C: 125


B737 Datasheet

[pdf-embedder url=”//www.datasheetcafe.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/B737-transistor.pdf” title=”B737 transistor”]


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