BF479 Datasheet PDF – 25V, 50mA, Silicon PNP Transistor

Part Number: BF479

Function: -25V, -50mA, PNP Transistor

Package:  T-plastic Type

Manufacturer: ETC


BF479 PNP Transistor


This is Low-noise Ultra Linear UHF-VHF Amplifier.

The BF479 is a PNP silicon planar epitaxial transistor in a T-plastic package mainly intended for high current UHF-VHF stages of TV tuners. In this application, combined with a PIN diode attenulator circuit, it presents very low noise and very good cross modulation performance up to 900 MHz.


BF479 datasheet pinout
Absolute Maximum Ratings

1. Collector-base voltage ( Ie =0 ) : -30V
2. Collector-emitter voltage (Ib = 0 ) : -25V
3. Emitter-base voltage ( Ic = 0 ) : -3V
4. Collector current : -50 mA
5. Total power dissipation : 170 mW
6. Channel temperature: Tch = 150 °C
7. Storage temperature: Tstg = -55 to +150 °C


BF479 Datasheet


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