Part Number: C3383
Function: 200mA, 50V, Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor
Package : TO-92, SC-43, NF Type
Manufacturer: SANYO (Panasonic)
1. Adoption of FBET process.
2. AF amp.
Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C
1. Collector-to-Base Voltage : VCBO = – 60 V
2. Collector-to-Emitter Voltage : VCEO = – 50 V
3. Emitter-to-Base Voltage : VEBO = – 6 V
4. Collector Current : IC = – 200 mA
5. Collector Current (Pulse) : ICP = – 400 mA
6. Collector Dissipation : PC = 400 mW
Other data sheets are available within the file: 2SA1392